Rider Info Office Volunteer

Rider Information Office Volunteer –
We are seeking a reliable volunteer to look after the rider info office during the championships. Horse arrival is from Tuesday 15 October. We would like someone to look after this area from Wednesday 16 through to Sundays 20 October. The rider info office is located on the event square in front of the stables.
The position includes checking in riders, issuing cabin keys, answering rider queries, assisting with arrivals, helping stable manager as needed and liaising with the event office and other tasks.
There are busy periods and other times when there is not a lot to do so this role would suit a student or someone that can keep themselves busy during quieter periods. It is not a physically demanding role.
Training is available, refreshments, and lunch provided and if travelling from regional areas we can assist with cabin accommodation or provide a camping site.
Payment of $100 per day is offered.
The position can be shared between two people – team up with a friend!.
If you are interested in this role please email: ausdressagechamps@gmail.com or phone Toni on 0418 686 781
Please register your interest by sending in the registration form now.
Daily lucky draw prize of a frame print from Leonie Varisco of Art of Equestrian is offered.